Culinary apple
Thought to have originated in Denmark. Known in the early 1800s. Fruits have firm, fine, rather dry flesh with a subacid and slightly sweet flavour.
Holzvogt Apfel von Lov, Rodt Gauneaeble, Skogsfogedaeble fra Lov, Skogsfogedeapple, Skovfogeable, Skovfogedaeble, Skovfogedaeble fra Lou
Shape: Narrow conical
Size: medium-large
Height: 65.00mm
Width: 63.50mm
Ribbing: strong
Ground Colour: Green
Over Colour: Brown
Over Colour (Pattern): streaked
Russet: very low
Coarseness: fine
Juiciness: dry
Flesh Colour: Cream
Flowering time:
30th April 10% flowering
5th May Full (80%) flowering
12th May 90% petal fall
Picking time: Late August
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