Lubsk Queen Apple View larger

Lubsk Queen Apple

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An excerpt from Beach’s Apples of New York, Volume II:


References, 1. Tuttle. Montreal Hort. Soc. Rpt., 8:136. 1881-82. 2. Gibb, la. Hort. Soc. Rpt., 1883:442. 3. Budd, la. Agr. Coll. Bui, 1885:17. 4. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat., 1889:8. 5. Budd, la. Agr. Coll. Bul. 1890:19. 6. la. Sta. 5u/., 19:536. 1892. 7. Can. Hort., 16:361. 1893. 8. Freeborn, Nat. Nurseryman, 2:132. 1894. 9. Thomas, 1897:291. fig. 10. Hansen, S. D. Sta. Bul, 76:70. 1902. fig. 11. Budd-Hansen, 1903:119. 12. Ragan, U. S. B. P. I. Bill, 56:185. 1905.

Synonyms. Lubsk Queen (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Lubsk Queen (12). Lubsk Reinette (3, 12). Lubsk Reinette (10, 11). No. 444 (3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12). Reinette Liubski (2, 12). Renet Liubskui (3, 12).


A Russian variety which has attracted attention because of the beauty of the fruit and superior hardiness and productiveness of the tree. In other respects it does not rank high. It is fairly good in quality. Season August and September.


Historical. Imported from Russia by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1870 under No. 444. It was entered on the list of the American Pomological Society in 1889 and dropped from the list at the following meeting in 1891 (4). It has been planted but little in New York, and so far as we have been able to learn its cultivation in this state is not increasing.


Tree moderately vigorous with long, slender, curved branches. Form upright spreading or roundish, rather open. Twigs short, curved, slender; internodes medium. Bark dull brown, roughly mottled with scarf-skin; slightly pubescent near tips. Lenticels scattering, medium size, round, not raised. Buds medium size, plump, obtuse, free, not pubescent.


Fruit (10). 

Fruit medium to large. Form regular, nearly round, truncated. Stem

medium to long. Cavity acute, rather small, slightly russeted. Calyx closed; segments long, pointed. Basin shallow, wide, regular, with generally five fine corrugations around the eye.

Skin very smooth, polished and waxlike, a brilliant white, more or less covered with solid light rosy red, with delicate white bloom; a self-colored apple, but sometimes with short red splashes on lighter ground. Dots white, minute, numerous.

Calyx tube long, funnel-shape. Stamens marginal.

Core closed ; cells ovate, slit. Seeds nine, plump.

Flesh snow white, firm, juicy, fine-grained, subacid, good. 

Season August, September.

Beach, S.A. The Apples of New York, Volume II. J.B. Lyon Company, 1905