King Edward VII Apple

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Edward VII

Culinary apple

First recorded in 1902. It was introduced by Rowe of Worcester in 1908. Received Award of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1903. Fruits have firm, rather coarse-textured, fairly juicy flesh with an acid flavour. An excellent cooker.

Synonyms: Edouard, Edouard VII, King Edward, King Edward VII

Parentage: Blenheim Orange x Golden Noble

Shape: Broad globose conical

Size: medium-large

Height 52.50mm

Width: 67.00mm

Ribbing: absent

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Greasiness: Medium

Crunch: crisp

Coarseness: fine

Flesh Colour: White

Flowering time:

14th May 10% flowering
21st May Full (80%) flowering
29th May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid October



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