McIntosh Apple

The McIntosh apple is a great fresh eating apple that is very cold hardy. 

Excellent for: Eating fresh; Baking; Sauce; Cider


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History: The McIntosh apple was discovered by John McIntosh on is farm in the upper St. Lawrence valley, in Dundela, Ontario, Canada around 1803. The apple was first named Gem, but was given the name McIntosh Red by 1836. It is now known simply as McIntosh.
Parentage: Thought to be a Fameuse seedling x Detroit Red
Bloom Time: Early/mid-season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators:
Akane Apple
Colvis Spice Apple
Golden Russet Apple
Hanners (Stark) Jumbo Apple
Harvest Time: September
Fruit Size: Medium, round
Flavor: Sweet/tart
Storage (refrigerated): 2-3 months
Disease Resistance:
Cedar apple rust: Resistant
Fireblight: Some susceptibility
Mildew: Some resistance
Scab: Very susceptible