Pound Sweet Apple

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Pumpkin Sweet

Culinary / Dessert apple

Originated in the orchard of S. Lyman, Manchester, Connecticut, USA. Recorded in 1834. Fruits have firm, fairly crisp, yellow flesh with a sweet flavour.


Lyman's Large Yellow, Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet, Pound Sweet, Pumpkin Sweeting, Rhode Island Sweet, Round Sweet, Sweet Lyman's Pumpkin, Sweet Pumpkin, Vermont Pumpkin Sweet, Vermont Sweet, Yankee Apple

Shape: Ellipsoid

Size: large

Ribbing: weak-medium

Ground Colour: Yellow

Over Colour: Brown

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: Yellowish

Flowering time:

9th May 10% flowering
13th May 
Full (80%) flowering
21st May 
90% petal fall

Picking time: Early October

Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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