The Northern Spy apple is a great tasting, crisp, aromatic apple that is also very cold hardy. Excellent for: Fresh eating; Baking; Sauce; Cider.
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Northern Spy
Dessert apple
First grown in the seedling orchard of Heman Chapin, at East Bloomfield, New York, USA from seed brought from Salisbury, Connecticut, USA. It was raised in about 1800 and introduced in 1840. Fruits have fairly firm, juicy, sweet flesh with a pleasant flavour. This variety is resistant to woolly aphis and has been used as a parent in the breeding of resistant rootstocks and varieties.
King Apple, King's Apple, Severnui Razvedchik, Severnui Shpion, Spaeher des Nordens, Spaher des Nordens, Spy
Mother to:
Father to:
Shape: Broad globose conical
Size: large
Height: 70.00mm
Width: 81.00mm
Ribbing: weak-medium
Ground Colour: Green yellow
Over Colour: Pink
Russet: very low
Coarseness: fine
Flesh Colour: Yellowish
Flowering time:
13th May 10% flowering
17th May Full (80%) flowering
24th May 90% petal fall
Picking time: Mid October
The National Archives Open Government Licence
History: The Northern Spy apple dates to around 1790. It originated in East Bloomfield, New York. Oliver Chapin and his brothers Dr. Daniel Chapin and Heman Chapin planted the apple seeds in which one became the Northern Spy, but unfortunately it died. However, Heman’s brother-in-law planted suckers from the original tree prior to the tree dying and in doing so, saved the Northern Spy.
Parentage: Unknown
Bloom Time:Late season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators:
Harvest Time: October/November
Fruit Size:Medium-large, round
Flavor: Sweet/tart
Storage (refrigerated): 3-4 months
Disease Resistance:
Cedar apple rust:Some susceptibility
Fireblight:Very susceptible
Mildew:Some susceptibility
Scab:Some susceptibility