Rhode Island Greening Apple

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Rhode Island Greening

Culinary / Dessert apple


Triploid. Thought to have originated at Green's End, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. It was already known by 1650. Fruits have rather coarse-textured, juicy flesh with a pleasant flavour.


Bell Dubois, Burlington Greening, Ganges, Green Newtown Pippin, Green Winter Pippin, Greening, Greenling von Rhode Island, Grunling von Rhode Island, Grunling von Rhode-Island, Hampshire Greening, Island's Grunling, Jersey Greening, Lindley Green Newton Pippin, Pomme Verte de Rhode-Island, Reinette du Seeland, Rhode Island, Rhode Island (Greening), Rhode-Island Greening, Russine, Seelander Reinette, Serinkia, Verte de Ile de Rhodes, Verte de l'Ile de Rhodes, Verte de Rhode Island, Verte de Rhode-Island, Zelence Rhodoislandske, Zelenka Rod-Ailend skaya


Flowering time:

4th May 10% flowering
9th May 
Full (80%) flowering
17th May 
90% petal fall

Picking time: Early October

Size: large-very large

Shape: Flat globose

Height: 66.23 mm

Width: 83.15 mm

Ribbing: strong-very strong

Crown: medium

Ground Colour: Whitish yellow

Over Colour: Brown

Over Colour Amount: very low

Over Colour Pattern: washed out

Russet: low

Greasiness: Medium

Coarseness: fine

Flesh Colour: Yellowish


Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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