Newtown Spitzenburg Apple

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Newtown Spitzenburg

Dessert apple

Originated at Newtown, Long Island, USA. It was recorded in 1817. Fruits have firm, coarse, creamy yellow flesh with a sweet subacid flavour.


Barrett's Spitzenberg, Barrett's Spitzenburgh, Barretts Spitzenburgh, Burlington, Burlington Spitzemberg, Burlington Spitzenberg, English Spitzemberg, English Spitzenberg, Joc Berry, Joe Berry, Kounty, Kountz, Matchless, New York Vandevere, Newton Spitszenburgh, Newton Spitzemberg, Newton Spitzenberg, Newton Spitzenburg, Newton Spitzenburgh, Newtown Spitzemberg, Newtown Spitzenberg, Newtown Spitzenbergh, Newtown Spitzenburgh, Ox Eye, Ox-Eye, Queen of the Dessert, Spiced Ox Eye, Spiced Ox-Eye, Spitzemberg, Spitzenburgh, Vandervere, Vandervere of New York, Vandevere, Vandevere of New York

Shape: Flat

Size: medium

Height: 51.50mm

Width: 52.00mm

Ribbing: weak-medium

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Over Colour: Orange

Over Colour (Pattern): striped

Russet: very low

Coarseness: coarse

Flesh Colour: Cream

Flowering time:

5th May 10% flowering
11th May 
Full (80%) flowering
19th May 
90% petal fall

Picking time: Late October


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