Mollie's Delicious Apple

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Mollie's Delicious

Raised in 1948 by G.W. Schneider, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, USA. Introduced in 1966. Fruits are crisp and juicy with a flavour similar to Golden Delicious.

Parentage: Golden Delicious X Edgewood x Red Gravenstein X Close


Flowering time:

10th May 10% flowering
16th May Full (80%) flowering
22nd May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Late August

Size: large-very large

Shape: Truncate conical

Height: 72.62 mm

Width: 84.43 mm

Ribbing: strong-very strong

Crown: medium-strong

Ground Colour: Yellow

Over Colour: Red

Over Colour Amount: medium-high

Over Colour Pattern: striped/mottled

Russet: very low

Greasiness: Medium

Flesh Colour: Cream


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