Mother Apple

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Dessert apple

Originated at Boston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, U.S.A. First recorded in 1844. Fruits have fairly firm, very juicy flesh with a sweet and distinctive good aromatic flavour.

Synonyms: American Mother, Gardener's Apple, Mother Apple, Mother of ATnerica, Mother of the Arnericans, Mutter Apfel, Mutterapfel, Queen, Queen Anne, Queen Mary


Mother to:

Thomas Rivers

Ruzena Blahova

Father to:

Mrs. Phillimore


Shape: Truncate conical

Size: medium

Height: 69.00mm

Width: 69.00mm

Ribbing: weak

Ground Colour: Yellow

Over Colour: Red

Over Colour (Pattern): streaked/mottled

Russet: very low

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: Yellowish

Flowering time:

9th May 10% flowering
15th May 
Full (80%) flowering
23rd May 
90% petal fall

Picking time: Late September



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