Reinette Rouge Etoilee Apple

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Reinette Rouge Etoilee

Dessert apple

Thought to have originated in Belgium or the Netherlands. It was first described in 1830. Widely grown in Europe. Fruits have firm, fine-textured, rather dry flesh with a slightly acid but little flavour.


Calvill Etoile, Calville Ambree, Calville Etoile, Calville Etoilee, Calville Etoille, Calville Etoillee, Calville Rouge Precoce, Early Red Calville, Etoile, Etoilee, Gwiazdkowe, Herzapfel, Hvezdnata reneta, Meuser's Rote Herbst Reinette, Meusser's Rote Herbst-Reinette, Pomme de Coeur, Pomme Etoilee, Reinette Constellee, Reinette Etoile, Reinette Etoilee, Reinette Rothe Stern, Reinette Saint-Lambert, Renet Rosu Stelat, Renet Zvezdchatui, Renet zvezdciatti, Reneta Gwiazdkowa, Renetta Rossa Stellata, Rote Stern Reinette, Rote Stern Renette, Rote Sternrenette, Roter Stern Reinette, Rothe SternReinette, Star, Star Reinette, Ster Apfel, Sterappel, Stern Reinette, Sternrenette, Sterreinette, Sterrenet, Zoete Reinette

Mother to:


Koningin Juliana


Atalanta (Netherlands)


Shape: Flat globose

Size: medium

Height: 55.00mm

Width: 68.00mm

Ribbing: very weak

Ground Colour: Yellow

Over Colour: Red

Over Colour (Amount): very high

Russet: very low

Coarseness: fine

Flesh Colour: Yellowish


Flowering time:

8th May: 10% flowering
12th May: Full (80%) flowering
21st May: 90% petal fall

Picking time: late september

Size: small

Shape: Globose conical

Height: 51.82 mm

Width: 56.28 mm

Ribbing: very weak

Crown: weak

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Over Colour: Red

Over Colour Pattern: striped/mottled

Russet: low

Juiciness: dry-medium



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