D'Arcy Spice Apple

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D'Arcy Spice

Dessert apple

Found in the garden of The Hall, Tolleshunt d'Arcy, Essex in about 1785, but may have earlier origins. It was introduced by John Harris, a nurseryman of Broomfield, as Baddow Pippin in 1848. Fruits have firm, fine-textured, juicy flesh with a characteristic aromatic flavour.


Baddow Pippin, Essex Spice, Pepin de Baddow, Spice, Spice Apple, Spring Ribston, Spring Ribston Pippin, Spring Ribstone, Winter Ribston

Shape: Oblong

Size: medium

Height: 57.00mm

Width: 64.00mm

Ribbing: strong

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Over Colour: Red

Russet: low

Greasiness: Weak

Crunch: crisp

Coarseness: fine

Flesh Colour: Greenish

Flowering time:

9th May 10% flowering

14th May Full (80%) flowering

23rd May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Late October


Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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