Duchess of Oldenburg Apple

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Duchess of Oldenburg

Culinary / Dessert apple

Known in Russia in the 1700s or earlier but first known in the UK in about 1817. Fruits have firm, juicy flesh with a subacid and fair flavour.


Augustapfel, Baravinka, Baroveski, Barovesky, Barovisky, Barovitsky, Barowiski, Barowisky, Barowistky, Barowitsky, Borawinskji, Borawinskoje, Borovinka, Borovinka krapchataya, Borovinka krasnaya, Borovinka raspisnaya, Borovinskoye yabloko, Borovitki, Borovitski, Borovitsky, Borowicki, Borowicky, Borowinka, Borowisky, Borowitski, Borowitsky, Borowizki, Boroyitsky, Bravinskaye, Chardamowka, Charlamoskischer Nallivia, Charlamousky, Charlamovka, Charlamovska, Charlamovski, Charlamovsky, Charlamowiski, Charlamowska, Charlamowski, Charlamowski d'Automne, Charlamowskircher Nalleoid, Charlamowskischer Nalivi, Charlamowskischer Nalleoid, Charlamowsky, Charlamowsky d'Automne, Charlamowsky'scher Nalivi, Charlamowskyscher Nalivia, Charlowsky, d'Oldenbourg, de Lait, der Charlamowski, Dombrowski, Duchess, Duchess of Oldenberg, Duchess of Oldenburgh, Duchesse, Duchesse d'Oldenbourg, Duchesse d'Oldenbourgh, Duchesse d'Oldenburg, Duchesse d'Oldenburgh, Duchesse of Oldenburg, Duchesse of Oldenburgh, Dutchess of Oldenburgh, Early Joe, Eraste Apfel, Harlamovoskoe, Krapchatoe, Nalivic, Nalivu, New Brunswick, Oldenburg, Oldenburg Charlamovsky, Oldenburgh, Queen Mary, Roter Barowinka, Sarlemovske, Smith's Beauty of Newark

Mother to:



Shape: Flat globose

Size: large

Height: 58.00mm

Width: 71.00mm

Ribbing: weak

Ground Colour: Whitish yellow

Over Colour: Orange

Over Colour (Pattern): striped

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: White

Flowering time:

29th April 10% flowering

4th May Full (80%) flowering

11th May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid August

Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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