Gloria Mundi Apple

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Gloria Mundi

Culinary apple

Though to have been raised either in Germany or USA. It was first recorded in the USA in 1804. Fruits have rather soft, coarse-textured, dry flesh with a subacid flavour.


American Mammoth, Baltimore, Baltimore Pippin, Belle du Bois and Mere de MTnage) American Gloria Mundi, Belle Dubois, Belle Josephine, Copp's Mammoth, Glazenwood, Glazenwood Gloria Mundi, Grosse de St. Clement, Grosse de St.-Clement, Herrenapfel, Imperatrice Josephine, Josephine, Josephine's Schoner Rambour, Kinderhook Pippin, Mammoth, Mammoth American, Mammoth Pippin, Melon, Messissippi, Mississippi, Monstreuse Pippin, Monstrous Pippin, Monstrueuse Pippin, Monstrueux Pippin, Mountain Flora, Moustrous Pippin, New York Gloria Mundi, New-York Gloria Mundi, Ox Apple, Pfundapfel, Pomme Josephine, Pomme Melon, Pound, Ruhm der Welt, Slava Mira, Slava Sveta, Solander Riesen, Spanisch Pippin, Spanish Pippin, Steifmutterchen, Titus Pippin, Vandyne Apple


Father to: Sergeant Peggy

Shape: Flat globose

Size: large

Height: 76.00mm

Width: 89.00mm

Ribbing: medium

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Coarseness: coarse

Flesh Colour: Greenish

Flowering time:

6th May 10% flowering

13th May Full (80%) flowering

22nd May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Early October


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