Kandil Sinap Apple

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Kandil Sinap

Dessert apple

Thought to have originated in the early 1800s at Crimea, Russia. Fruits have crisp, snow-white flesh with a sweet, slightly vinous and perfumed flavour.


Candil Sinap, Candile Sinope, Kandil, Kandile, Kantil Sinap, Sari Sinope, Sinap Kandille

Flowering time:

6th May 10% flowering

11th May Full (80%) flowering

19th May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid October

Size: medium

Shape: Narrow conical

Height: 76.80 mm

Width: 62.32 mm

Ribbing: weak

Crown: very weak

Ground Colour: Whitish yellow

Over Colour: Orange

Over Colour Amount: low-medium

Over Colour Pattern: washed out/solid flush

Russet: very low

Greasiness: Medium

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: White

Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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