Orenco Apple

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Dessert apple

Originated in Orenco, Oregon, USA, by The Oregon Nursery Company, but said by some to be a chance seedling found in Oregon City. It was catalogued in 1903 but said by some to have originated in about 1840. Fruits have soft flesh with a sweet subacid and aromatic flavour.

Flowering time:

9th May 10% flowering

14th May Full (80%) flowering

21st May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid September

Size: large-very large

Shape: Globose

Height: 68.49 mm

Width: 83.03 mm

Ribbing: weak

Crown: weak

Ground Colour: Whitish yellow

Over Colour: Red

Over Colour Amount: medium-high

Over Colour Pattern: striped/mottled/solid flush

Russet: low

Flesh Colour: Cream

Source: www.nationalfruitcollection.org.uk

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