Glockenapfel Apple View larger

Glockenapfel Apple

The Glockenapfel apple is a favorite heirloom apple in Central Europe. 

Excellent for: Fresh eating; Baking; Sauce


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The Glockenapfel apple is a very old European variety that probably came from Switzerland or possibly southern Germany. It dates to at least the mid 1800's.
It is known for making excellent strudel. 
Parentage: Unknown
Bloom Time: Early/mid-season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators: 
Akane Apple
Colvis Spice Apple
Fameuse Apple
Golden Russet Apple
McIntosh Apple
Harvest Time: Mid to late October
Fruit Size: Medium-large, bell shaped
Flavor: Tart/refreshing
Storage (refrigerated): 4-6 months
Disease Resistance: 
Cedar apple rust: Unknown
Fireblight: Unknown
Mildew: Unknown
Scab: Somewhat susceptible


Culinary apple

Synonyms: Altlander Glockenapfel, Echter Weisser Glockenapfel, Pomme Cloche, Schweizer Glockenapfel, Weisser Winterglockenapfel

Flowering time:

2nd May 10% flowering
8th May 
Full (80%) flowering
16th May 
90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid October

Size: medium

Shape: Truncate conical

Ribbing: strong

Crown: medium

Ground Colour: Green yellow

Over Colour: Orange

Over Colour Amount: low-medium

Over Colour Pattern: washed out

Russet: very low

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: White


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