Chehalis Apple

The Chehalis apple is a great early, disease resistant apple. 

Excellent for: Fresh eating; Sauce


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History: The Chehalis apple is a chance seedling found around Chehalis, Washington near Oakville in 1937.
Parentage: Possible seedling from a Golden Delicious
Bloom Time: Early Season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators:
Brushy Mountain Limbertwig Apple
King Solomon Apple
Liberty Apple
Myers Royal Limbertwig Apple
Smoky Mountain Limbertwig Apple
Williams Pride Apple
Wynoochee Early Apple
Harvest Time: September
Fruit Size: Large, round
Flavor: Sweet/tart
Storage (Refrigerated): 1 month
Disease Resistance:
Cedar apple rust: Good resistance
Fireblight: Good resistance
Mildew: Good resistance
Scab: Good resistance


Dessert apple

Discovered in 1955 by Lloyd Lonborg of Oakville, Washington, U.S.A. near to the Chehalis river. Fruits are sweet and juicy with a melting flesh.


Golden Delicious x Unknown

Flowering time:

7th May 10% flowering
12th May Full (80%) flowering
19th May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Mid September

Size: large-very large

Shape: Globose conical

Height: 73.43 mm

Width: 83.34 mm

Ribbing: very weak

Crown: weak-medium

Ground Colour: Yellow

Over Colour: Orange

Over Colour Amount: very low

Over Colour Pattern: washed out

Russet: low

Greasiness: Strong

Juiciness: juicy

Flesh Colour: Cream 


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