Kim Apple

The Kim apple is a good baking and dessert apple. The Kim apple is sweet, juicy and quite crisp.

Excellent for: Fresh eating; Baking; Sauce


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Kim Apple

Culinary / Dessert apple

Raised by P. Bergendal in 1946 at Agricultural College, Balsgard, Sweden. It was introduced in the late 1970s. Fruits are crisp and juicy with a sweet and acid flavour.

Parentage: Cortland x Ingrid Marie

Flowering time:

2nd May 10% flowering

6th May Full (80%) flowering

16th May 90% petal fall

Picking time: Late September

Size: large

Shape: Flat globose

Ribbing: weak

Crown: very weak

Ground Colour: Whitish yellow

Over Colour: Dark Red

Over Colour Amount: medium

Over Colour Pattern: striped/mottled

Russet: low

Crunch: crisp

Flesh Colour: White


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Bloom Time: Early/mid-season

Ploidy: Diploid

Good Pollinators: 

Akane Apple

Colvis Spice Apple

Fameuse Apple

Golden Russet Apple

McIntosh Apple

Harvest Time: Late September

Fruit Size: Large, round

Flavor: Sweet/tart

Storage (refrigerated): Unknown

Disease Resistance: 

Cedar apple rust: Unknown

Fireblight: Unknown

Mildew: Unknown

Scab: Unknown