Hanners Jumbo Apple

The Hanners Jumbo is one of the largest apples there is. Some have weighed over 2 pounds. It has an excellent taste and is very juicy. 

Excellent for: Fresh eating; Baking; Sauce; Cider


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The Hanners Jumbo apple was developed in early 1970’s by Daniel A. Hanners in Hood River, Oregon.  The Hanners Jumbo is a sport (mutation) off of a Stark Jumbo Apple.
Parentage: Sport off of the Stark Jumbo Apple
Bloom Time: Early/mid-season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators:
Akane Apple
Colvis Spice Apple
Fameuse Apple
Golden Russet Apple
McIntosh Apple
Harvest Time: October
Fruit Size: Very large, round
Flavor: Sweet/tart
Storage (refrigerated): 2-3 months
Disease Resistance:
Cedar apple rust: Some resistance
Fireblight: Some resistance
Mildew: Some resistance
Scab: Some resistance