Spartan Apple

The Spartan apple is a crisp, juicy sweet, heavy producing apple.

Excellent for: Fresh eating; Baking; Sauce; Cider 


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History: The Spartan apple was introduced in 1936. It was created at the Federal Agriculture Research Station, located in Summerland, British Columbia, Canada by Dr. R.C. Palmer.
Parentage: McIntosh x Unknown
Bloom Time: Mid-season
Ploidy: Diploid
Good Pollinators:
Cameo Apple
Cortland Apple
Cox’s Orange Pippin Apple
Empire Apple
Gala Apple
McShay Apple
Newtown Pippin Apple
Sweet Sixteen Apple
Williams Pride Apple
Wolf River Apple
Harvest Time: October
Fruit Size: Medium, round
Flavor: Sweet
Storage (refrigerated): 1-2 weeks
Disease Resistance:
Cedar apple rust: Some resistance
Fireblight: Some resistance
Mildew: Some resistance
Scab: Some resistance